Eco-village DIMONIKA - Guided tours

The majority of the tours are designed in such a way that anyone in normal physical condition can enjoy the experience.
Each “caravan” is led by an experienced guide at the head and the heavier expeditions also benefit from the backup of a second guide, who closes the ranks.
Apart from the choice of the right direction, the guide at the head and our tracking dogs detect possible dangers. In general, all the animals take flight when the caravan shows up. In all places, the fauna and flora are very rich and very photogenic.
There are plenty of tree species, many medicinal plants, beautiful flowers and magnificent butterflies, insects and birds to discover.
Nevertheless, visiting gold panning sites remains the center of attraction.

 Equipment for jungle treks


Colonial era, historic tour

A guided tour of “la Corniche” with its villas and the swimming pool, the vestiges of the colonial heritage, the village, the ponds, the gold washing place with the gold washers; abundantly filled with historical facts and anecdotes. Meetings with the last witnesses of the time. Picturesque route, very photogenic


A loop around and through the VIGOUREUX estate, of your choice.


Your choice between 2 and 5 hours.

Degree of difficulty

Easy to normal.

Recommended equipment

Sportswear and non-slip walking shoes. No access fee to pay.

Possibility of transport by vehicle for less mobile people.

The road of the settlers

A guided hike on the old Pounga - Dimonika road.


9km, one way. Possible return by motorbike or car. Duration: ± 2h to 6h, according to your choice.


Your choice between 2 and 5 hours.

Degree of difficulty

A genuine forest route, relatively easy, in some places a little more sporty, whose mapping and markings are in full evolution.

Recommended equipment

Light hiking equipment (light backpack, optional anorak, drinking water supply, fruits & snacks)

The old aqueduct and the waterfall

A guided hike along the old aqueduct that supplied the Dimonika water system with drinking water from a waterfall.


10km, round trip.


±3h to 4h.

Degree of difficulty

A “sporty” trail.

Recommended equipment

Light hiking equipment (light backpack, optional anorak, drinking water supply, fruits & snacks) and swimsuit.

Possibility of swimming and picnicking at the waterfall.

The gold Rush

A guided hike along some gold panning pits with optional participation in gold washing.


10km, round trip; or less, as desired.


Your choice between 2 and 5 hours.

Degree of difficulty

A “sporty” road and trails.

Recommended equipment

light hiking equipment (light backpack, optional anorak, drinking water supply, fruit & snack)

Possibility of picnic or barbecue at the former life base of a gold prospecting company.

The gold panning tunnels of the time

Dug by the workers of Armand VIGOUREUX, in the 1940s and 1950s. In relatively good condition, to be accessed at own risk and peril. A guided hike along the ponds with the option of participating in the gold washing.


5km round trip.


1h to 1.5h.

Degree of difficulty

On an easy road and “sporty” trails.

Recommended equipment

light hiking equipment (light backpack, optional anorak, drinking water supply, fruit & snack)

The ghost towns

By 4x4 vehicle (available on site), if road Terms allow. Otherwise, in “Djakarta” (moped) with driver. Stay in the village with the possibility of observing elephants and chimpanzees at sunrise, with the option of walking to the village of Mpassi-Mpassi and even Dolisie.


Koulila, depopulated village 12km and Makaba 18km from Dimonika.


from 5h minimum to 1 day; by car, motorbike and on foot.

Recommended equipment
  • in the event of a ride: light;
  • in case of hiking: sporty (light backpack, optional anorak, supply of drinking water, fruits & snacks);
  • in case of stay: hiking equipment + camping equipment. Possibility of picnic or barbecue in one of these villages.

Possibility of picnic or barbecue in one of these villages.

Mvoula, an “outlaw” village

“Outlaw” village with miners' camps, totally isolated in the dense forest; practically inaccessible where the law of the strongest reigns. Place rarely frequented by tourists.


± 12km from Dimonika.


3-hour walk or rental motorbike, with driver; possibility of camping on site.

Degree of difficulty


Recommended equipment
  • in case of hiking (machete, light backpack, anorak, drinking water, fruits & snacks);
  • in case of stay: machete, first aid kit, hiking and camping equipment.

Possibility of picnic in the village.

Mystical Falls

The Ngoumbe, Nguelo and Divinda waterfalls. Courses only known by a few hunters.




Unknown; probably several days.

Degree of difficulty

Very heavy.

Recommended equipment
  • in case of hiking (machete, light backpack, anorak, drinking water, fruits & snacks);
  • in case of stay: machete, first aid kit, hiking and camping equipment.

Possibility of picnic at the waterfall.

The fall of Kikaka

The Kikaka waterfall, mystical place, home to mermaids.


10 km


5 hours of walking A/R.

Degree of difficulty

Medium to heavy (depending on weather Terms).

Recommended equipment
  • in case of hiking (machete, light backpack, anorak, drinking water, fruits & snacks);
  • in case of stay: machete, first aid kit, hiking and camping equipment.

Possibility of picnic at the waterfall

The “Ports Romanot or the Gates of Mayombe”

Two facade-shaped monoliths, forming a gigantic gateway to the Loukoula River.


lalong the N1 road and the old railway route, 10km before Pounga, arriving from Pointe-Noire.


A choice.

Recommended equipment

sporty + swimsuit.

Possibility of swimming and picnic or barbecue at a local site.

Mountain bike and dirt bike routes

Different mountain biking and dirt biking routes are offered with varying degrees of difficulty.

Degree of difficulty


Tea with the gorillas

An unforgettable “survival” stay in the heart of the Mayombe forest, at a place called “le Pied du Nord”, half a day from Dimonika.


One or two nights on site, in a (makeshift) camp with the miners or in a tent, in order to be invited by the passing gorillas.



The “elephants hunt”

An unforgettable stay in the heart of the Mayombe forest, in the village of Makaba, 18km from Dimonika. One or two nights on site, with the locals or in a tent, in order to adapt to the rhythm of the passing elephants.



Courtesy visit to Mr. & Mrs. Elephant and their 'little one'

Since the confinement in March 2020, a family of 3 elephants, from the Makaba plain, has been frequenting the area of the CAPADIMA fields (the Coopérative Agropastorale de Pounga et Dimonika). The reason for their arrival in the "civilized world" remains unknown to this day. They treat themselves, without being invited, to all the delicacies of the neighboring plantations, sometimes sleeping in the bamboo grove of CAPADIMA. Thanks to their courtesy, they barely disturb the crops of Mamitsho and her team, while they ravage the fields of the villagers. The local population describes this phenomenon as “the witchcraft of the white”, without realizing that Mr. Jan would be able to conclude a tourist agreement with this artistic herd… In short, rinse your eyes by discreetly observing these endangered representatives of the forest. Plan to sleep on the spot, in order to be assured of this meeting. Location: along the N1 road, at the gates of the village of Pounga. Duration: optional. Equipment: sportsman + swimsuit. Right of access to pay: 5,000 F.CFA/adult + 2,500 F.CFA/child + 10,000 F.CFA for the guide. Your contribution will be intended for the installation of suitable electric fences, which are expensive (import). Possibility of participation in market gardening, swimming, picnic or barbecue at the local site


±7km from Dimonika.


1.5 hour walk; possibility of staying in bamboo huts.

Degree of difficulty


Recommended equipment

sporty + swimsuit.

Possibility of participation in organic gardening, swimming, picnic or barbecue at the local site.

Stay at the CAPADIMA site (Cooperative Agropastorale de Pounga, Dimonika et Makaba)

Located at the entrance to the Pounga - Dimonika - Makaba road, CAPADIMA supplies the region with organic vegetables, medicinal plants, chickens, fish and meat from the breeding of sibisis and pigs. The animals are raised there in the open air. Opportunity to stay in rural rooms or bamboo houses and fish in the ponds, help in the vegetable garden and cool off in the river. Makaba elephants regularly visit this place!

Expedition to the Gabon border

A tailor-made ride of about ten days with the discovery of:

  • la Rivière Bleue
  • Makabana
  • Sibiti with a waterfall and unknown caves
  • The ferry and the picturesque bridges over the Niari River
  • Mossendjo and the fabulous waterfalls of Mourala With the possibility of extending the visit to Bouenza and the Pool.



Expedition to 3 countries: Angola - DRC - Congo

A tailor-made hike of about ten days with the discovery of:

  • Cabinda (Massabi entrance)
  • MMuanda and Banana in the DRC
  • The mouth of the Congo River
    • canoe crossing for adventurers
    • speedboat crossing for the more cautious
  • Soyo (Angola)
  • Mpeto: seafood tasting on the beach
  • Luanda
  • Cabinda (return by plane)
  • Belize (in the heart of Mayombe)

With possibility of extension of visit to Mayombe, Bouenza and Pool. Conditions: on estimate.



Tours organisés à travers le Congo

We offer tours lasting several days through Kouilou, Niari, Bouenza, Lékoumou, Pool, Plateaux, Cuvette or any other region of the Congo (6 years experience in the country) and even the DRC (6 years experience in Kinshasa and the interior). Tailor-made programmes and budgets to be worked out with the client. Our guides have excellent references!